Share Healthy Minds signposting resources

Share Healthy Minds signposting resources

May 13, 2020 Off By admin

There are hundreds of mental health and wellbeing services available locally for people, but often people don’t know how or where to get help, which is one of the reasons why

Healthy Minds has created some simple resources which signpost to key mental health and wellbeing support during covid-19 for children and adults in Bradford and Craven.

Your support is needed to share the resources through your networks to reach more people who support adults and children, and to use yourself when you come across people struggling with how they’re feeling.

The images are great to use on your websites, social media (please tag Healthy Minds on social media when you post) or e-newsletters etc.

If you have any questions or feedback on the above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Lucy Clews via email:

#mindinbradford #mentalhealth #wellbeing #covid19 #healthyminds