Charity trustees – changes to submitting the annual return
August 8, 2023Did you know? The Charity Commission has changed its online system.
Trustees – have you planned how to answer the new questions and have you arranged a new login?
Join our FREE online training to find out how to submit your next annual return and get help with the new system: The Charity Commission’s new digital reporting service, Thursday 7 September 2023 (10am to 11.30am) online
Trustees have a duty to submit the annual return on time. If your charity has had problems submitting information on time in the past, it’s a good idea to get the next return in early so that the public register of charities shows an improvement. Demonstrate good governance to funders and potential supporters by submitting your charity’s next annual return to the Charity Commission on time.
Community Action Bradford & District is an independent charity, we are not part of the Charity Commission but would like to offer our help to improve charity governance in the district. Training is funded by Bradford Council through the Here 4 BDCC contract that provides advice, information and training to charities in Bradford district.
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