Get help for your organisation’s unmet needs

November 9, 2020 Off By admin

Community Action Bradford & District has recently joined the VCS Emergency Partnership (VCS EP) which can help you get the things you need to help communities.

Through its regional structure the VCS EP (a partnership of big national charities and local infrastructure organisations like Community Action) is building a picture of how the pandemic is effecting third sector organisations and communities around the country.

One of the great things about the VCS EP is that meets with national government regularly, so if the things that you see changing match with the experience elsewhere, you can be sure that national decision makers will hear about it.

Perhaps the most important thing about the VCS EP is that it can also direct resources, like food or PPE to organisations on the ground, where those needs can’ t be met locally. Once you tell us what you need, our nominated rep Soo Nevison feeds your request into the regional system and it swings into action.

You can find out more about the VCS EP in the following documents


For more information:


  • To make a request for support
  • To feed in your thoughts about how the pandemic is changing community/third sector needs
  • Or to have a chat about what the partnership is  and how it works