Back to the Studio Packages – Restart your creative practice.
October 28, 2020Since we started to reopen our studio spaces, we’ve been listening to artists coming through our doors, and it’s clear that just being in a dance studio again is a significant, emotional, and often overwhelming experience for many people. We want to make sure that when artists finally get that Project Grant or DYCP funding, they’re able to hit the ground running – so we’ve created Back to the Studio.
Thanks to the security provided by our recent successful Culture Recovery Fund application, we are able to offer 20 dancers or physical theatre performers a week of no-pressure studio time, along with £1000 to pay for living expenses, to help restart creative practices following the coronavirus lockdown.
When we say no pressure, we mean it. We want to give you the time and space needed to find and nurture your creativity – we only ask that you document your time in some way (that might be a blog post, a collection of photos, a short video etc). We will also be on hand to offer you development support during (and after) your time with us.
Studio space is available between November and the end of March 2021.
10 of the packages are going to artists that Kala Sangam already has a working relationship with, but we are making an open call for the other 10. Anyone is welcome to apply but we will be prioritising supporting artists from the Bradford District and / or professional South Asian dance practitioners.
The first 10 artists we will be working with include Displace Yourself Theatre, Keira Martin, Kapow Dance, Jaivant Patel Dance, Kamala Devam Company, Lucie Lee, Yuvel Soira, Chemaine Cooke and Ella Mesma.
We know how exhausting it is filling out complicated forms, so we are aiming to keep the application process as simple as possible. To apply, please send us a short video (2 minutes maximum) explaining who you are, what you would like to do with your week of studio time and how your work aligns with at least one of our three programming strands (which can be found here).
To apply, please WeTransfer your videos to Alex Corwin – a.corwin@kalsangam.org. The closing date for applications is 5pm Friday 6th November.
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