Bradford Open Safely

August 25, 2020 Off By admin

Throughout this pandemic Bradford has shown great resilience and strength and while we may not be back to normal yet, some businesses are back open. It is a real show of support and reassurance that many of us are still protecting ourselves, our families and our communities by adhering to the Coronavirus Safety guidance.

Therefore as a system we have launched a new campaign ‘Bradford Open Safely‘ to show the amazing work businesses and organisations are putting in to ensuring safe operating. In short, what we would like the people to do is take and submit pictures, these could be:

  • Safety Selfies – pictures of people wearing PPE and face coverings
  • Photos of you, your community and faith settings adhering to to ‘Hands, Face, Space’ – washing hands, wearing face coverings and social distancing
  • In addition to faith settings, if you visit local businesses, organisations or restaurants and they are operating safely please do send a picture of this too

The contact for this project is Duncan McKnight so please email pictures to him at or upload them to social media platforms using the hashtags #BradfordOpenSafely, #WorkingSafely and #SafetySelfie.

The pictures will be used in campaign material and will be collated and shared widely across social media channels.The ,icon below is also downloadable so you can use this in your communications and on social media.