Bradfordian Partners With Shipley College To Launch Work Experience Programme

Bradfordian Partners With Shipley College To Launch Work Experience Programme

July 18, 2024 Off By admin

The Bradfordian has joined forces with Shipley College to launch an innovative work experience programme, offering students the chance to gain hands on experience in online journalism.

Running until the end of this academic year and resuming in September, the programme challenges students to produce content for publication on The Bradfordian and our sister site, The Leeds Lantern.

Designed to provide hands-on experience in digital publishing, the programme allows students to explore the field and determine if it suits their career aspirations.

“The programme addresses the uncertainty many young people face regarding their career paths, particularly in the digital sphere,” explained The Bradfordian’s editor. “Many aspire to roles in social media management, content creation, or influencer marketing, without realising the extensive effort and skills required. This programme serves as a stepping stone, giving students practical experience in digital publishing. By exposing them to the demands and skills needed in this field, we aim to help them decide if a career in digital publishing is right for them or if they should consider other options.”

In addition to gaining experience, participants will have tangible work to add to their CVs. The standard required for publication is high, with only the best work making it directly to readers. For those whose work does not make the final cut, The Bradfordian’s editorial team will assist in bringing the article to life, crediting students as researchers on the final piece.

Speaking about the initiative, Hannah Bird, Business Engagement Officer at Shipley College said:

“Partnering with The Bradfordian and The Leeds Lantern is a fantastic opportunity for our students by giving them real-world, industry experience that goes beyond the classroom. The students are not just learning about digital publishing; they’re actually doing it and learning and researching their subject at the same time. This hands-on approach helps them build confidence, develop new skills, and put the theory that they’ve learned into practice. By working on industry-set projects and seeing their work published, they gain invaluable insight into their chosen industries and valuable feedback to continue their learning and professional development”. 

With the programme now underway, plans are in place to review and expand the programme after this initial run. Future iterations are expected to incorporate social media management, graphic design, video content creation, and podcasts, providing students with a broader range of skills and making them well-rounded candidates for various roles in the media industry.