Changes to charity staff lottery
March 9, 2022Information for employees of Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust who are members of the Bradford Hospitals’ Charity 50:50 staff lottery.

Changes to our charity staff lottery mean there are now more chances to win big throughout the year.
From 1 April this year, there will be four quarterly opportunities to win a big prize (£2,500) rather than the three chances to win big prizes previously. The monthly draw will be reduced to four prizes
The 50:50 lottery is open to all employees of both Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Bradford District Care Trust. Fifty per cent of proceeds go on prizes and 50 per cent is donated back to Bradford Hospitals’ Charity and Better Lives (the charity of Bradford District Care Trust).
It costs just £1 per chance and you can pay for as many chances as you wish. To be eligible to win a quarterly special cash prize of £2,500, staff must have been a member of the lottery for at least 12 consecutive months.
Hayley Collis, Head of Fundraising for Bradford Hospitals’ Charity, said: “As the official promoter, it’s always a pleasure to present members with their winning prize. Most are shocked and stunned they have won but absolutely delighted at the same time.
“The staff lottery has been running for over 30 years. It was originally run by the Estates team, and now by Bradford Hospitals’ Charity. Knowing that 50 per cent of the profits are given away as prizes to NHS staff members and 50 per cent is proportionally split to support staff welfare is heartening to know.”
Staff can apply for the lottery via the staff intranet (link on the front page).
The changes have been made in line with the number of staff members taking part.
See below the prizes as of 1 April 2022:
Monthly winners are drawn on the second Wednesday of each month. They are as follows:
1st – £500
2nd – £250
3rd £100
4th – £50
Four quarterly prizes are as follows:
April – £2,500
July (NHS Birthday) – £2,500
Oct – £2,500
Jan – £2,500
If you have any questions, please contact Bradford Hospitals’ Charity, which runs the lottery, on 01274 274809 or email
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