Do you need mental health support?

January 27, 2021 Off By admin

Mental Health concerns us all and Healthy Minds exists to promote, protect and improve the positive mental health of everyone in our communities. Health Minds help all in Bradford District and Craven have better lives and brighter futures.

It is okay to admit that you are struggling at the moment, we’re in an extremely unusual situation and it’s understandable to be feeling demotivated, stressed, anxious or any other way really. Your feelings matter, your mental health matters, and support is available if you’re having a difficult time.

You can visit the Healthy Minds website to find help which is local and relevant to you and follow Healthy Minds on social media to keep your mind healthy

Twitter – healthymindsbdc

Facebook – Healthy Minds BDC

Instagram – @healthyminds.bdc

You can also download Community Action’s support and advice booklet which gives some wellbeing tips and signposts to support (including Healthy Minds!) if you’re experiencing mental ill health, isolation or loneliness, domestic abuse or financial difficulty.