Healthy Holidays at foodbank – July Update
August 20, 2019We hope you’re having a relaxing summer. In July we had another record breaking month – feeding 239 families: 243 children and 310 adults. We are also providing a holiday program for hungry children. Thank you for supporting us – you are making this possible!
We know that many families depend on free school meals and come the school holidays children go hungry as their parents struggle. We gave out 240 Foodbank vouchers to 24 schools to give to families who would struggle. These families have been coming to Foodbank for a 3 day emergency food parcel, a hot meal and fun activities for their children. We really appreciate being given funding to provide this service.
Georgina came into Foodbank with her three girls. She said: “I moved over from Manchester to be with my mum because she was ill. Then they moved me over to Universal Credit because Casey turned 3 so they said I can find work but I’m a single mum with 3 young girls. So now I’m waiting for the UC payment to come through.”
“The girls are constantly asking for food, it’s a burden especially when you’re the mother. When they are at school it’s easier because they get fed there.”
Charlotte said: “We learnt about grapes. I tried one grape and it was nice.”