Latest update from Kala Sangam Creative Director Alex Croft
September 28, 2020Launching our new crowdfunder campaign (crowdfunder.co.uk/kalasangam) has been bittersweet in many ways. In the process of pulling everything together, I’ve been reminded of both the incredible impact Kala Sangam has had on people’s lives for over 25 years, and taken time to properly reflect on the last 6 months – six of the toughest months the Company has ever experienced.
When I last wrote in April, we were still in a land of uncertainty, unsure what the true impact of the coronavirus was going to be, and how long it would be with us. We know now that the end is far from in sight, and that the financial impact on the Arts has been devastating. We’re extremely lucky to have had ongoing regular funding from Arts Council England and Bradford Council, but this accounts for under 25% of our annual income – with the doors shut, we lost almost all the other ways that we earn money.
Like many arts organisations, we’re waiting to hear if we have been successful with our application to the Government’s Cultural Recovery Fund. We think we’ve put in a strong bid, but it’s a sad fact that there’s just not going to be enough money to go around. Many brilliant, impactful arts organisations are not going to get the support they need. If we are successful, the respite will be temporary, although very welcome.
Looking forwards, I am more certain than ever that the arts will have a pivotal role to play. As we eventually come out of the other side of the pandemic, the arts will help people heal, recover and thrive – and we want Kala Sangam to be at the forefront of this.
That’s why we’re asking you now for your support. We’ve launched a new crowdfunder campaign that we hope will bring in much needed income. Don’t just take my word for it though!:
As the video says, if you’re able, we need your support now more than ever. We’ve pulled together some (what I think are) genuinely brilliant prizes to say thank you too – looking for the perfect Christmas present? How about dinner for two on the Ganges Theatre stage?! You can donate to the campaign here: crowdfunder.co.uk/kalasangam
On behalf of the whole team – thank you for any support you’re able to give. It really will make a difference.
The post Latest update from Kala Sangam Creative Director Alex Croft appeared first on Kala Sangam.