Levi tells of her experience #BehindTheMask

Levi tells of her experience #BehindTheMask

October 8, 2020 Off By admin

Levi is working in the community with young people, advising, supporting and educating them about Coronavirus. She shares her knowledge in the hope that young people can become the cornerstone of change in stopping the spread of the virus, a virus that has affected her personally.

In December 2019, just before the pandemic really came into full force, Levi’s grandad passed away. Although an incredibly difficult time, Levi coped and tried to get her life back on track without him.

Whilst still grieving for him, at the beginning of January her mum was diagnosed with pneumonia, as a result of contracting Coronavirus. Levi knew what the virus could do. For some, no life changing symptoms; for others, an incredibly debilitating and frightening recovery and sadly for some, death. Having already lost a family member, understandably Levi was scared she may lose her Mum too.

Levi said:

“I missed my Grandad so much but eventually, I started to get back into a routine, find distractions by going out and seeing my friends who were really supportive. Then the lockdown came, and gone was any chance of getting back to normality of having that immediate and reassuring support. Missing my Grandad became harder and when my Mum became ill, I couldn’t help but think that I might lose her too.

All this ran around in my mind for a long time and unsurprisingly, the lockdown affected my mental health massively. I cut myself off from my loved ones and from the very friends who had helped me through my grief. I simply couldn’t and didn’t go anywhere. I was so paranoid that I might get it and pass it on to someone else, I was terrified.

I’m still being careful, urging and educating others to do the same. I know it’s hard but what’s harder is the fear of knowing what it’s like when someone you love gets Coronavirus. The ‘what if’ it’s not going to be ok; ‘what if’ I have lose someone I love again. That’s why I’m doing what I do now – educating as many people as I can to follow the safety measures. If we all just did what we’re being advised to do, everyone will be safer. That ‘everyone’ includes my family, my mum, my friends, even me.”

Please follow the guidance of Hands, Face, Space and let’s all get through this, safe.