Kirsty’s Behind the Mask Experience

October 19, 2020 Off By admin

Kirsty works full time for a community organisation. She loves her job and like most people, she needs the work to help support her family. She’s also a Mum to Paige, her ray of sunshine and they’re rarely apart. Paige suffers with asthma which can be rather difficult to manage, often meaning she needs steroids to help her breathe.

When lockdown was announced Paige was advised to shield but Kirsty still had to go to work, to ensure all the important information was reaching people in their homes and at work. She was still going around other people which would put Paige at risk. Kirsty came to the realisation that she must make the most difficult decision of her life, she must live separately to Paige.

Kirsty said:

“I love my daughter more than anything and if being apart from her for a few months meant we could be together in the long run then that’s what needed to be done. The separation was so difficult, it pained me that I couldn’t give her a hug or even sit next to her on the sofa but I would never forgive myself if I brought coronavirus into our home and given it to Paige. There is no way I was risking her having any further breathing difficulties, or worse, having to go into hospital alone, without anyone she knows. That was just unfathomable to me, as I am sure it is to other parents.

I need everyone to think about their actions too, make a conscious decision to protect their loved ones and themselves. It’s not easy, nowhere near, but knowing that your loved ones are safe and that is thanks to you, that should be at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Wash your hands and sanitise, wear a mask and walk a little slower to maintain a 2meter distance, don’t visit people you’re not meant to; that’s all I’m asking.

Please don’t make me and others like me have to make this decision again, please.”

Let’s get through this together safe, hands, face and space.