Race Equality Network Grant

July 23, 2020 Off By admin

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic REN (Race Equality Network) is making £100,000 available for BAME-led organisations in the Bradford District to apply for grants up to £5000.

  • Small Grants Scheme applications must be between £250-£5000
  • Grants are for one year’s funding.
  • Each Organisation/group can apply for one grant per year. Only one single grant per year, irrespective of grant size. Not multiple grants adding up to £5000.
  • Projects must not last longer than 1 year.

Please find further information and an application form for the Covid Small Grants fund below. This funding has been made available by Bradford’s Public Health Department and is part of the overall District response to Covid 19. Please circulate this information to other groups and services who may benefit from these grants .

Please note the very tight deadline of Wednesday 29th July at 15.00 as they are keen to get on with the challenges facing us with Covid.

Whilst REN currently has about 70 Members they are keen to rebuild their Membership back to the high levels they enjoyed some years ago and whilst it is possible to join REN via the Small Grant Application form (by indicating your wish to join irrespective of whether or not you are applying for a grant or not at this time) please also find Membership form if you wish to complete that below.

REN COVID small grants application form

REN COVID small grants guidance notes

About REN (Race Equality Network)

Ren membership form

Project to support BAME communities with poor health outcomes