A-Z of Bradford
April 25, 2022In 2021 Foundation Degree students at Bradford School of Art were set the challenge of creating a piece of work that mapped their cultural experience of Bradford, which is being exhibited in Bradford 2025 hub.
This project is part of a wider initiative to map the unique cultural landscape of the Bradford District that has been an integral part our bid which positions creativity as a driver for change and growth.
Every person has their own interpretation and experience of culture and it is especially important to capture how our young people and creative graduates are connecting with culture locally.
Students came to the project from art and design, fashion and textiles and the brief was set by local artist Mahmud Manning who led an introductory session on the theme of mapping.
Individual responses were created by the students using drawing, painting, photography, digital print, garment construction and textiles. The range of subjects explored reflects the variety of their cultural references: cityscapes, rural life, networks, traditions, patterns, histories and shared lives.
Exhibition opens 27 April and is on until 23rd May at the Bradford 2025 offices, City Park, Bradford (entrance underneath the Big Screen). Open 9.00 – 5.00 weekdays only.

Work by Aiman Manghi.