Coaching for Wellbeing – Offer 2022
January 12, 2022Coaching for Wellbeing. Offer 2022 – Targeting Staff and Volunteers from Minority Ethnic Communities and the Voluntary or Third Sector.
Following the success and positive feedback received from this programme throughout 2021 the Bradford and District CCG – Mental wellbeing hub, are looking to deliver a further two training blocks and expand the offer to include coaching skills for whole teams. They know that currently the voluntary sector and staff from minority ethnic communities are underrepresented within coaching they are particularly keen to receive applications from individuals and teams that come from these sectors and backgrounds or work with people in these settings.
Individual Coaching Skills training.
Most of us use coaching skills and approaches every day. Growing evidence suggests effective coaching skills contribute to personal well-being, innovation, care outcomes, team working and leadership effectiveness. Despite pressures and constraints in the care sector investment in coaching has grown reflecting the value of more person-centred approaches that create ownership, engagement and meaningful accomplishment. During the pandemic staff and volunteers accessing coaching have demonstrated maintenance or improvements in wellbeing compared to those who have not. The sessions are open to all staff and volunteers and are designed to help participants improve their use of coaching skills in everyday conversations that matter.
As part of the training you will have the opportunity to engage in a 1-to-1 coaching session arranged at a mutually convenient time.
To Apply
No previous coaching experience is required and the courses are open to all grades, roles and volunteer groups
Individual Applicants (must be able to attend all 4 sessions).
Cohort 3: 14th Feb am, 2nd Feb am, 1st March pm, 7th March am
Cohort 4: 14th, 21st, 28th March and 4th April – all am
30th January – where possible we will allocate on a first come basis.
Please email – bdcccg.wyh.mentalwellbeinghub@nhs.net
With: Name, contact details, organisation, cohort preference and ethnicity (if willing to disclose – this will allow us to target places).
Team Coaching Offer.
The Bradford and District CCG also recognise it can be extremely beneficial to take a whole team approach to enable teams to think and grow together. Effective team working is a journey not a destination and it’s a journey worth investing in. Effective teams deliver better and safer care, they adapt to change. Their members are valued for their contribution and experience higher levels of wellbeing. The context of a pandemic creates additional challenges for teams and their members including virtual working, boundary management, communication and decision making. Team members face risks of reduced wellbeing, resilience and burnout.
The programme offers bespoke support to individual teams that includes the following:
- Working with team leaders to understand the team’s context and needs.
- Design of a bespoke skills training for the team.
- Up to 3 half day skills sessions for team members
To Apply Team Applications
Deadline: 15th April
Selection: by 29th April
Delivery: June -August 2022.
Please send Expressions of Interest to bdcccg.wyh.mentalwellbeinghub@nhs.net
The capacity to work with teams is limited and therefore invite expressions of interest from teams wishing to access this offer. The capacity will be prioritised to support teams who demonstrate:
– A context and challenges facing the team
– Commitment to team development beyond this work.
– Tangible benefits to the teams wellbeing inclusion and performance.
– Commitment to work with us to evaluate the work and share learning.
Please include the following information in your EOI:
Contact Information:
Team leader (name and email).
Team Context and Challenges:
Give a brief introduction to the team. What is its purpose? Its membership? The development of the team to date and its challenges moving forward.
Goals for this work
Tell us how coaching skills and approaches would support the team. What benefit should this work achieve?
For further information about either of the offers please contact Kerry Hinsby (Clinical Lead, Staff Wellbeing Hub) on bdcccg.wyh.mentalwellbeinghub@nhs.net