Highlights of 2019
January 29, 2020One of the things I love about Foodbank is that the whole community gets involved! Staff in 56 companies across Bradford dedicatedly collected food for us. 32 schools collected at harvest for us. Churches, mosques, and our wonderful food donors who give so generously. Tesco, Asda and Morrisons who have our collection points. 160 referral agencies who refers clients to us and supporters who give financially. 50 weekly volunteers plus loads more who volunteered at collections at Asda and Tesco. I love it that we all pull together to achieve something quite remarkable.
Highlights of 2019:
- We fed 5666 people who are hungry and broken with emergency food aid, a 21% increase on 2018.
- We gave 32.3T of food away to hungry families (10,000 shopping bags).
- 32 schools collected food for us over Harvest Festival alongside doing many assemblies!
- Fresh fruit and vegetable deliveries started in September from Fareshare.
- We created a digitalised signposting system so we have up-to-date signposting information.
- Obtained funding from Toyota to operate a “Fuel Bank” over the winter months which started in September.
- We ran 2 successful Healthy Holiday programs over the Summer and October half term holidays.
- We created a Santa’s grotto for Christmas and gave away 250 Christmas hampers and 700 toys to parents in the lead up to Christmas.
- We were on Look North twice, BBC Radio Leeds, Capital Radio, Telegraph and Argus
Thank you for playing your part, we’re doing something incredible together.