Jean’s #BehindTheMask experience is lonely, read here

October 9, 2020 Off By admin

Jean is 87 years old and a pillar of her local community. Before COVID struck, she helped to set up a community group called ‘Senior Power’ for the over 50’s to help reduce loneliness by bringing people together for activities and ‘chatter and natter’ sessions. Her hard work even earned her an MBE!

Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, a nationwide lockdown was introduced and sadly the sessions had to stop, isolating Jean from her peers and the new friends she’d made. Jean also couldn’t see her children or grandchildren, leaving a huge void of emptiness. It was something she knew she needed to do to keep herself and her loved ones safe.

As Jean was shielding, her son did her shopping for her. Leaving supplies outside the door with a smile and a wave. It was the closest and only contact he had with her. In all of her 87 years, Jean had never felt so lonely, she didn’t just want a hug, she needed one.

Jean said:

“I used to sit and have a sandwich with my friends and talk the day away, I can’t do that now. I miss those days and I’m desperate for to have those times back. I haven’t been out in so long I’m now scared to nip to the shop. I haven’t driven my car in so long I don’t know if I’ll even be able to.

I’m thankful I haven’t had the virus but I feel that I’m suffering all the same in another way – I hate being alone. I led quite a busy social lifestyle, but now I have been stopped from doing or seeing anyone. I can’t just go for a coffee and chat with someone. I can call people but it’s not the same and when I hang up I am on my own still. It is so lonely. I live to be around people and I’m really struggling without the warmth of friendship and companionship.

If people would just remember to keep their distance and follow the guidelines, we could potentially prevent further lockdowns and I could get my life back. Not just my life but my family and friends too.

I know I’m not the only one who is finding this hard. Please follow the guidelines and advice and please, above all else, help us be safe enough to leave our homes again.”

Please follow the guidance of Hands, Face, Space and let’s all get through this, safe.