Makers represent Bradford in Chemnitz

July 18, 2023 Off By admin

Seven Local makers visited Chemnitz, European City of Culture 2025 for a week of international exchange at Makers United festival.

The makers, Mahmud Manning, Benjamin Johnson, Isabella Anne Kelley, Jessica Swift, Ruth Fettis, Samantha Yates and Virginija Knowles, ran workshops for German school children, exchanged ideas and skills, presented at the makers fair, and learnt about Chemnitz 2025 and their plans as European Capital of Culture 2025.

From glass artists to sculptors, illustrators, zine makers, textile artists and a silversmith – makers visited Chemnitz to participate in a packed itinerary of events and knowledge sharing sessions, scheduled around The European Festival of Creativity, Technology and Innovation, Makers United.  

Alongside Bradford-based makers, practitioners from Leeds also visited in partnership with Leeds 2023, including zine maker Harriett Cash, experimental visual artist Mila Romans, and glass artist Zoe Eady. 

Photography: MakersUnited by Kristin Schmidt