UNIfy Festival call out
March 16, 2022We are looking for lively, accessible and eye-catching performances as part of the UNIfy Festival at the University of Bradford.
Each day of the festival, these pop-up performances will alternate between the atrium in the Richmond Building and the atrium in Student Central. The performance could be music, dancing or live art, and we would like the week’s programme to feature different communities and cultures of Bradford. We are looking for live performances that create an atmosphere of joy and celebration and would be particularly interested if there are ways that University staff and students could join in.
Peformances will take place from 28 – 31 March, from 12noon-1pm each day. Each performance around 30 mins, but this is flexible.
A performance fee will be covered. There is no budget for new commissions.
If you are interested in being one of the UNIfy Pop Ups, please answer the short questions below and return to events@bradford.ac.uk by Monday 21st March, 12pm. We will let you know on Tues 22nd March.
Name of artist/ group:
A short overview of performance:
Links to any relevant images or recordings:
What is your availability? Mon 28 | Tues 29 | Wed 20 | Thursday 31
Set up / AV equipment required:
What is your performance fee:
Anything else you want to tell us: