Back to Basics

August 6, 2020 Off By admin

Community Action working with multiple partners have put together a series of ,,‘Back to Basics’ graphics and we would be grateful if you could share with your contacts (these will be translated into different languages and available on our website shortly).

We’re saying Hands, Face and Space – wash your hands, wear a face covering and keep a 2 metre distance.

We know, it’s another message about Coronavirus. You can, of course just ignore this but you could also choose to help us; help Bradford stay safer because now more than ever, we need everyone to do the right thing.

Bradford District is seeing rates of infection rise so there is a higher risk than in other towns and cities of more and more people getting Coronavirus. Despite what some may think, some may see or believe, Coronavirus has not gone away.

We need to go ‘back to basics’ because, if we do nothing, nothing will change. Infection rates will rise and tragically, some people will get very ill and some people will die. This is not OK.

If we do what we know to be right, infection rates will drop. As a District, people will be safer – it’s that simple. And so, please follow the advice; please share the attached; please protect yourselves, and protect those around you.