Author: admin

June 4, 2021 Off

Volunteers’ Week Blog 4: Jas

By admin

Jas writes about her approach to befriending and how she uses her listening skills to make a real difference. I have been a telephone befriender for just over a year. I joined just after the pandemic started and I soon realised it was really making a difference. Naturally this year has been more difficult than […]

The post Volunteers’ Week Blog 4: Jas first appeared on Mind in Bradford.

June 3, 2021 Off

Volunteers’ Week Blog 3: Jayne

By admin

Jayne writes about her experiences befriending and how valuable it is to both her and her befriendee. My own self confidence boosted knowing I have helped a person, from befriending them on the telephone. A thank you from that person is such a great reward for me and means a lot.  I also feel I […]

The post Volunteers’ Week Blog 3: Jayne first appeared on Mind in Bradford.

June 2, 2021 Off

Volunteers’ Week Blog 2: Aisling

By admin

Aisling writes about how volunteering benefits her clients and builds her own confidence. I began volunteering at Mind in Bradford in January 2021 as a telephone befriender. I feel that offering support in the form of listening, encouraging and showing empathy to my clients on a weekly basis over the phone has a positive effect […]

The post Volunteers’ Week Blog 2: Aisling first appeared on Mind in Bradford.

June 1, 2021 Off

Volunteers’ Week Blog 1: Marie

By admin

Marie writes about the sense of achievement that volunteering as a befriender gives her. I currently volunteer for Mind in Bradford in a befriender role.   Over the last year I began noticing how isolation was affecting people, with limited social experiences and interactions and the reduction of face-to-face support, especially within mental health. This made […]

The post Volunteers’ Week Blog 1: Marie first appeared on Mind in Bradford.

May 27, 2021 Off

Office & Premises Lead

By admin

Closing date: 3rd June 2021 11:45pm Hours: 37.5 hrs per week Salary: £24,635 – £29,635 As Office & Premises Lead you will lead on the…

May 26, 2021 Off

Family Action are hiring!

By admin

Children and Families Domestic Abuse Worker, Survive and Thrive Service, Bradford 18.5 hours per week Grade 2 (lower): £10,086.50 -…